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AmCham Canada-Nanos Research Business Confidence Index

Sep 10, 2023

The AmCham Canada – Nanos U.S. Business Confidence Index has become a must have resource on business sentiment and opinion conducted by AmCham in partnership with Nanos Research and PNC Bank.

This annual online survey generates vital information on how U.S.-owned businesses view Canada’s business environment and economic fundamentals, and informs AmCham’s perspectives on key issues and policy matters that affect cross-border business.


We are inviting senior executives of U.S. owned businesses in Canada to participate in this leading edge business confidence index through the link below.

The short survey itself will only take less than five minutes; your opinions will be confidential and grouped with other executives of U.S. owned businesses in Canada.

As a respondent, you will receive a copy of the report on the views of US Executives like you, in advance of the public release.

AmCham Canada-Nanos Research Business Confidence Index


If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Thank you, in advance, for sharing your time and participating in this important survey.